Wednesday 28 September 2016

Potential Primary Research

Being that my essay relies predominately on secondary research and analyses, it seems redundant to ask the opinions of my peers on a piece that is, admittedly, very obscure. However, having some measure of contemporary, public perception of the play could be useful to refer to, or to inform my own comments. However, there are difficulties.

Would it be worthwhile asking my peers what they perceive as the 'conventional Shakespeare play', or even the conventions at all. Would it work best to instead have them read excerpts from the text with a small measure of context, and ask for a few paragraphs interpretation of it? Would it work best to instead have them watch a version of the play (if I can find one that is readily accessible; YouTube could be helpful for this) and give me a brief commentary on their thoughts?

These are things I will have to discuss with my supervisor in regards to its relevance and the most successful manner to conduct primary research. For now, I feel it most relevant to read and collect texts useful to my essay.

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