Wednesday 14 September 2016


I pitched my two hypotheses (How was Percy Bysshe-Shelley's poetry affected by his Atheism in the time he was writing and Is 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' a conventional Shakespeare Play) to smaller groups of friends who are familiar with the EPQ - or are completing it themselves - in the hopes that they would help me finalize which one I would choose to adopt as my new EPQ, providing that my supervisor is approving of it.

So, these are the bullet-points of what was discussed with them.

How was Percy Bysshe-Shelley's poetry affected by his Atheism in the time he was writing?:

  • The idea is rather out of the blue, and doesn't have much relevance to anything I've previously studied, bar the literature?
  • I've read only a few pieces of his work.
  • It may be difficult finding reliable sources on exactly how his religion influenced him.

Is 'The Two Noble Kinsmen' a conventional Shakespeare Play?:

  • The play is rather obscure; everyone I spoke to hadn't heard of it before, and thought it sounded interesting.
  • I've already read and watched the play once through and am quite familiar with a few of Shakespeare's works (but not Fletcher's)
  • Due to previous education experiences, I'm far more familiar with the conventions and the contexts of the time period, but still offer me historical context to research.
  • I discussed very animatedly about things I could discuss in the essay.
  • I can expand my knowledge on Shakespeare.
  • It's an unconventional area to study (the play is rather obscure) but it does has some academic journal discussion.

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