Wednesday 14 September 2016

A Peruse of JSTOR

I decided to look through JSTOR for possible articles to shape my dissertation, and have found that many of them offer me inspiration, while others may simply give me a broader idea of the time period itself, or critic's interpretation of the issues raised.

"For What We Lack,/We Laugh"; Incompletion and "The Two Noble Kinsmen"
Paula S. Berggren
pp. 3-17

Sources of Four Plays Ascribed to Shakespeare:"The Reign of King Edward III", "Sir Thomas Moore", "The History of Cardenio", "The Two Noble Kinsmen"
by G. Harold Metz, reviewed by Donald W. Foster
pp. 237-240

"Shakespeare's Flop: John Waterson and The Two Noble Kinsmen"
Zachary Lesser
pp. 177-196

"Is this winning?": Prince Henry's Death and the Problem of Chivalry in "The Two Noble Kinsmen"
Peter C. Hermen
pp. 1-31

Shakespeare's Imperiled and Chastening Daughters of Romance
Charles Frey
pp. 125-140

The Jailer's Daughter and the Politics of Madwomen's Language
Douglas Bruster
pp. 227-300

Emilia's Argument: Friendship and 'Human Title' in "The Two Novle Kinsmen"
Laurie J. Shannon
pp. 657-682

"Same-Sax Erotic Friendship in "The Two Noble Kinsmen"
Richard Mallette
pp. 29-52

"Like a shadow,/ I'll ever dwell": The Jailer's Daughter as Ariandne in "The Two Noble Kinsmen"
Nichole Dewall
pp. 15-26

"Chaucer's Influence and Later Allusion"
Annotated Chaucer Bibliography
pp. 135-172

Recent Studies in Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
Charles Frey
pp. 345-402

"Seeking the Medieval in Shakespeare: The Order of the Garter and the Topos of Derisive Chivalry"
James N. Ortego II
pp. 80-104

Rewritting Perfect Friendship in Chaucer's "A Knight's Tale" and Lydgate's "Fabula Duorum Mercatorum"
Robert Stretter
pp. 234-252

Jeffery Knapp, Shakespeare Only
Review by Joseph Caimpara
pp. E248-E251

Colloquial Contractions in Beaumont, Fletcher, Massinger, and Shakespeare as a Test of Authorship"
Willard Edward Farnham
pp. 326-358

Influence of Court-Masques on the Drama 1608-15
Ashley H. Thorndike

The Language of Madwomen in Shakespeare and His Fellow Dramatists
Maurice Charney, Hanna Charney
pp. 451-460

Shakespeare and the Ethics of Friendship
John D. Cox
pp. 1-29

Appearance and Reality in Shakespeare's Last Plays
Theodore Spencer
pp. 265-274

Shadowplay: The Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare by Clare Asquith, Shakespeare and Republicanism by Andrew Hadfield
Review by Catherine M. S. Alexander

"'The Neutral Term'?: Shakespearean Tragicomedy and the Idea of the 'Late Play'
Gordon McMullan
pp. 115-132

Early Modern Tragicomedy
Subha Mukherji, Raphael Lyne
'Studies in Renaissance Literature'
Volume 22
DS Brwer, Boydell and Brewer (publishers) 2007

The Authorship of Shakespeare's
Johnathan Hope
Reviewed by Eric Rasmussen
pp. 109-113

'Shakespeare's Use of Dance'
Alan Brissenden
Review by Paul Betram

Shakespeare &co: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and the Other Players in His Story"
Stanley Wells
Review by Kate Pogue
pp. 522-524

Shakespeare Co-Author: A Historical Study of Five Collaborative Plays
Brian Vickers
Review by Warren Chernaik
pp. 1030-1031

How Happy Was Shakespeare with the Printed Versions of His Plays?
E. A. J. Honnigmann
pp. 937-951

The Chronology of Shakespeare's Play: A Statistical Study
B. Brainerd
pp. 2212-230

Theatre Music in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
John Manifold
pp. 366-397

Ben Jonson on Shakespeare's Chaucer
Kathryn Jacobs, D'andra White
pp. 198-215

"Discrepant Emotional Awareness in Shakespeare"
RS White, Ciara Rawnsley
pp. 241-263

The Weyward Sister: Shakespeare and Feminist Politics
Dympna Callaghan, Lorraine Helms, Jystna Singh
Review by Mark Thornton Burnett
pp. 1046-1047

Poor Women in Shakespeare
Fiona McNeill
Review by Rebecca Laroche
pp. 94-95

Shakespeare's Romantic Comedies
Karl F. Thompson
pp. 1079-1093

"Shakespeare’s Greek Romances [1]"
(Shakespeare and the Greek Romance)
Carol Gesner
pp. 80-115

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