Tuesday 20 September 2016

A Detour to the Irrelevant

Looking through my EPQ folder, I discovered that I had three poems that related to my initial artefact that I hadn't divulged here, composed over the summer. Although they have no bearing on my current project, I do feel that they have some semblance to my progress.

Written sometime in early August, here is a Rispetto, Sonnet, and a Nonet from what I probably would've titled 'View From the Window Seat'

'Sunset Over the Farms'

Mottled brown, dappled tawny, finely-spun gold
Stretch unbound on tumbling hills, greedily fed
To the ruddy, roaring beast. Specks dip and fold,
Wafting; the machine's maw devours nature's threads.
The thresher's wake leaves a flourish, rising plume
That with some seeds aloft set the sky abloom.
Those old fallowed fields that do wind and wander,
Leave the passing observer thoughts to ponder.

'Sunset Over the Farms'

There stands the solitary sentinel,
Whose lofty frame is slight and tightly bound
By the wires unhindered by mangonels
Whose battle-bellows no longer resound.
No, no such guardian stood watching then,
But the flighty figure does stand there now,
Louring on towering lands far from fens
Where elderly evergreens slump and bow.
Oh, though their long shadows flicker, falter,
They are but fleeting to the fiery sky!
Tones of marigold and lavender
Mingle, the eye's prismatic lullaby.
The ever-shifting heavens never tell
The vivid colours of their citadel.

'Rural Moon'

Here, she sits upon her midnight throne
To watch her subjects to and fro
Beneath the brilliant beacon;
No mortal light outshines,
Till the dawn rises
And she flees, the

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