Thursday 8 December 2016

Reading Texts Series

This serves to chart my research for my essay when I’m either too busy to blog (as with the mock exams before Christmas) or away from the internet, as I will be for 26 nights on an extended holiday, roughly around two weeks of which will be transatlantic. Therefore, this should give me ample time to either compose my essay (although I’m doubtful of this, as any attempts I’ve made at structuring it have been fleetly failing and vague) or read enough texts that I would feel more comfortable in such. I’ve preloaded a series of .PDFs onto a USB stick which I’ll use on my netbook to read and then briefly comment on for the benefit of both the EPQ and the blog. Hopefully, in around a month’s time, I’ll be more certain on the terms that my essay can be composed of. 

The comments made during the period have been divided up by date and added to to the blog once I have the internet for it, and are labelled as 'Reading Texts (#)' to identify them.

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