Tuesday 20 December 2016

Reading Texts (7)

The Evolution of Shakespeare’s Heroine
Henry David Gray
The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Vol. 12, No.1 (January, 1913)
Published by: University of Illinois Press
An incredibly interesting essay regarding both the chronology of the Shakespeare canon and how Shakespeare’s heroines have evolved in both the comedies, tragedies, and romances. TTNK is not mentioned, but I would like to consider its heroines in regards to the hypotheses Gray sets out; if TTNK is the last play to have been written by Shakespeare, then its female heroines should surpass Miranda in their qualities. Unless, of course, we consider the play in the same way Gray considered Timon of Athens and Trolius and Cressida.

Suicide in the Plays of Shake-Speare
James Holly Hanford
PMLA, Vol. 27, No.3 (1912)
Published by: Modern Language Association
An incredibly interesting essay, but not one that relates in its entirety to TTNK. The self-destructive cries of the Jailer’s Daughter (though not acted upon) can be seen to be reminiscent of the comments regarding Ophelia, and pity for her tragedy.

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