Tuesday 3 May 2016


In the EPQ development, my ACE group had a session where we pitched our ideas and good feedback on whether they seemed to be sustainable ideas for the project. As the previous post 'Three Concepts' had a rather extensive list of potential titles for my EPQ, I decided narrow down my pitches to two definitive ideas:

  • Exploring the links between Romanticism and Gothic Literature, and essay.
  • An artifact; collection of poems in differing styles which reflect different character voices, whose perspectives build a narrative.

The first idea combines my interests in Romanticism and Gothic Literature for an essay, as they share similar origins and authors, which makes it a subject that can have great breadth and depth for comparison and contrasting. The second is the artifact idea which I feel has a great level of variety and can explore a variety of themes - once I have decided on it, that is.

The feedback I was given from my peers is as follows:
  • The artifact idea is too broad; it should be focused on one specific idea (which is something I intended to do regardless)
  • The artifact has a lot of mileage and options
  • The artifact is a balance between academic and creative in its aspects
  • Artifact "sounds very Hardy" in reference to Thomas Hardy.
  • The essay is broad

From this feedback I can infer that there is an interest in my artifact idea, which is one I have personally favoured due to the amount of diversity that can be achieved with it. Therefore, I will begin thinking of some scenarios for the narrative.

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