Thursday 5 January 2017

Reading Texts (10)

The Suitors in the Parlement of Foules Again
Oliver Farrar Emerson
Modern Language Notes, Vol. 26, No.4 (April, 1911)
Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Unfortunately, it is almost entirely unrelated to my essay – only the tenuous links to Chaucer would sustain it, but the quibbles discussed don’t even concern the correct Chaucer poem. At least it was brief enough to be easily skimmed, so its irrelevance was easily discerned.

Palæmon and Arcyte, Progne, Marcus Germinus, and the Theatre in Which They Were Acted, as Described by John Bereblock (1566)
W. Y. Durand
PMLA, Vol.20, No.3 (1905)
Published by: Modern Language Association
Another interesting read: Durand provides the translations for the summaries of the three plays shown at Oxford in 1566 to an audience that included Queen Elizabeth I. While the play itself is lost, the three summaries (by three different authors) demonstrates how this play would have lodged in the conscious of even those who didn’t attend: three people died in accident, yet the play ‘Palæmon and Arcyte’ was still shown.

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