Friday 29 April 2016

An Introduction

By the title of this post and the glaringly evident theme of this blog, this is my introductory post to my EPQ journey. As a student who has a finely-struck balance between academic and creative - tough with my subjects there is a distinctive lean towards the former - I feel that completing an essay or an artifact is of equal opportunity. From a plethora of ideas, those most relevant, versatile, and offers me the most mileage to discuss passionately and at great length (a length of 5000 words, if I decide to choose an essay).

Before delving into my initial ideas, I would like to recount a few of the points made by the A2 students who had presented their projects to us:

  • Manage your time
  • Be practical
  • Be thoroughly organised
  • Know what you're doing and when it's being done - have a definitive action plan
  • Keep motivated
  • Enjoy yourself!

With these thoughts in mind, coupled with rallying call of "Make sure it's relevant!", I began to make a spider-diagram focused on some of the things that interest me most, but are closely (but not too closely) linked to my subjects.

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