Friday 24 February 2017

First Draft

As of Saturday the 24th of February 2017, my first draft of the EPQ (including the bibliography) is complete. During a cooling-off period before I begin editing, I will be constructing my presentation.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Further Progress

At this point, I stand roughly halfway to completion. Chapter II has been written, and the introductory paragraphs to III and IV are being composed. However, I am having a few mental blocks with the latter two chapters, as I have found myself unable to distinguish which elements belong in a better-suited place. Reconciliation is one of the key themes of the late plays, but it also has a massive impact on the construction of the narrative. Perhaps I could sub-divide these, with the forgiving aspect of the reconciliation being discussed in Themes, and reconciliation being related to its impact on the narrative?

I'm currently uncertain of this, but I'm certain I will discover it.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Making Progress

There is little to really describe other than the essay itself being constructed. I have completed the first draft of the 'Introduction' and 'Chapter I' and continue to progress on the rest. Thusly, blogging has and will continue to be quiet.